

部门:国际化发展研究院(国际教育学院) 供稿:唐皓 审核:黄兴、陈韬、蒋捷 发布时间:2022-05-12 阅读次数:


English teaching opportunities at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture


1. 以英语为母语,发音清晰。

2. 拥有至少一个英语母语国家大学颁发的学士学位。

3. 对华友好,遵守中国的法律法规,遵守中国的公序良俗和教师职业道德,愿与我校合作,业务水平较高并符合我校需要。

4. 身心健康,品行良好,无犯罪记录,无传染性疾病和精神障碍史。

5. 至少两年的全职英语教学经验。如取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国际语言教学证书的,可免除工作经历要求。

6. CELTA或类似的外语教学资格,至少有120小时的教学实践经验。

7. 60周岁以下。

Basic Requirements:

1. A native English speaker who can speak English clearly and fluently.

2. Bachelor’s degree from the English-speaking country.

3. Be friendly to China, abide by Chinese laws and regulations, as well as follow Chinese public orders, customs and teachers' ethics.Be willing to cooperate with our University with strong professional skills to meet our needs.

4. Be healthy in body and mind; well-behaved; no criminal record; no history of infectious diseases and mental disorders.

5. The applicant must meet one of these four conditions:

a. At least two-year experience in full time English teaching.

b. Bachelor's degree or above in Education, Language or Normal specialty.

c. A teaching certificate from the host country.

d. A certificate in teaching international language from the host country.

6. CELTA or similar foreign language teaching qualification with at least 120 hours of teaching practice.

7. Under 60 years old.


Vacancy: 1-2 persons




The contract is valid for at least 1 year (2 semesters), where each semester includes 18 weeks. There are around 20 teaching periods in each week. Teachers are required to deliver the lectures face to face in the classroom.



1.  视学历及课时量而定。寒暑假带薪休假。

2. 根据外籍教师需求,提供基本的医疗保险等。


Wage and Salary:

1. The salary is negotiable by consulting the teachers in charge. The salary will be determined by teacher’s education background and teaching periods. Also, same salary will be offered during the winter and summer vacations.

2. Basic medical insurance is accounted as one of the wages for teacher, it will be provided according to the needs of teacher.

The detailed information about wage and salary is subject to the contract.




电 话: 010-61209538或 010-68322476

邮 箱:ies@bucea.edu.cn

地 址:贵州省贵阳市大兴区永源路15号/贵州省贵阳市凌通区林城东路107号


Teachers’ names: Xing Huang, Pingying Hou, and Hao Tang

Cell phone: 010-61209538 or 010-61209251

Email: ies@bucea.edu.cn

Address: No. 1 Zhanlan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing

No. 15 Qingyuan Road, Daxing District, Beijing


Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) is actively hiring English teachers to improve skills of students in technical writing, public speaking, and accumulation in literature. BUCEA is the only architecture-oriented university that located in the center of Beijing. The university is jointly sponsored by the People’ s Government of Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China. There are 11,074 students forming a multi-level education system in BUCEA, including 8119 undergraduates, 2,839 master’s students, 116 PhD students, 531 adult education students and 98 international students.


International Development Research Institute (School of International Education)

2022年5月11日(May 11, 2021)

凌通校区地址:贵州省贵阳市凌通区林城东路107号 邮编550081
大兴校区地址:贵州省贵阳市大兴区黄村镇永源路15号 邮编550081
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